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Integrated assesment Essays
Integrated assesment Essays Integrated assesment Essay Integrated assesment Essay HNC Social Care Valuess are criterions and principals by which we live our lives. These criterions are many and frequently depend on people`s background e.g. Culture, category, faith, gender, age. Valuess are highly single attitudes that direct people`s responses to the universe around them. Amongst some of the values I live my life by and regard are privateness leting me to hold infinite to myself and esteeming the fact that others may want privateness, to be safe and besides leting others the same, holding self regard, being trusty, being non judgmental, being anti discriminatory, respect life and religion, value freedom and equality, value pick and others points of position. I have learned to populate my life this manner from my parents and their households. The schools and church where I was taught, espoused the values of human self-respect, solidarity for the common good, charity in truth, and the household, all of which I continue to keep beloved. I hence try to guarantee that I treat people t he manner I would wish to be treated. Because of these values, I am able to work merrily alongside the organisation I volunteer for, as their policies and processs represent many of these common values. I presently volunteer as a Befriender for a group that helps grownups with larning disablements become included within the community through socialisation, by fiting Befriendees with supportive Befrienders. I, as a voluntary for this organisation, provide their service participants with the chance to take a full and fulfilling portion in their community. I besides help to raise consciousness of issues impacting grownups with larning troubles in community engagement. I did this in a major manner by take parting in the aggregation and presentation of our request to the Scots Parliament to bespeak that Befriending is financed with nucleus support. Although Befriending, to assist societal inclusion was briefly mentioned as a agency of back uping grownups with larning disablements in Same as you Strategy 2000, this article has neer been defined by the authorities as a nucleus service to be provided by councils. As a consequence, Befriending for Adults with Learning Disabilities has seldom been financed or delivered by statutory services. However, the societal work section is the chief agencies of referral to our organisation and so for the minute receive this service free, financed by char itable contributions. I feel this is a signifier of statutory favoritism against our client group and trust our request resolves this state of affairs. This request has received a positive reaction from the requests commission and is still traveling through the commission processes. I besides receive continued preparation, support, and supervising and engage in partnership working with relevant bureaus. The nucleus values of our administration are underpinned by the National Care Standards , which were set up under the, which were set up under the Regulation of Care ( Scotland ) Act 2001 . This Act came about to modulate the attention and societal work force and set out the principals of good attention pattern. . This Act came about to modulate the attention and societal work force and set out the principals of good attention pattern. The Care Commission was set up under this Act to register, modulate, and inspect all attention services listed in the Act. It besides established was set up under this Act to register, modulate, and inspect all attention services listed in the Act. It besides established The Scottish Social Services Council ( SSSC ) . The SSSC has purposes and aims to protect the service users, rise criterions, strengthen, and support work force professionalism. There are six chief criterions laid down in National Care Standards that are at the Centre of any attention pattern. The SSSC has purposes and aims to protect the service users, rise criterions, strengthen, and support work force professionalism. There are six chief criterions laid down in National Care Standards that are at the Centre of any attention pattern. Dignity doing person experience worthy and impressive as defined in the Oxford English Dictionary. I guarantee that I give self-respect by esteeming persons for who they are. I recognise all persons are different and I am sensitive and cognizant of this. doing person experience worthy and impressive as defined in the Oxford English Dictionary. I guarantee that I give self-respect by esteeming persons for who they are. I recognise all persons are different and I am sensitive and cognizant of this. Privacy and confidentiality is the demand and right to privacy. The rule of confidentiality between me and the service user is built on common regard and trust. Confidentiality is farther reinforced by the is the demand and right to privacy. The rule of confidentiality between me and the service user is built on common regard and trust. Confidentiality is farther reinforced by the Data Protection Act 1998 . This allows our service users to see any information that is held on them. . This allows our service users to see any information that is held on them. I must guarantee that this information is held firmly in a locked filing cabinet. Any information I write in an activity program must be true, factual, and accurate with my sentiments to be nonsubjective. Choice agencies giving and explicating different options to persons. I support our service users by promoting their right to take. By offering they limited options that will promote them to look at positive options within a safe environment. means giving and explicating different options to persons. I support our service users by promoting their right to take. By offering they limited options that will promote them to look at positive options within a safe environment. Safety agencies that I must guarantee my service user when in my attention, is protected from injury and maltreatment. If I suspect or observe that injury and maltreatment has or is taking topographic point, against a service user, I must describe the incident in an Incident Report Form within 36 hour of the episode to my line director. I besides complete a hazard appraisal signifier before any activity. means that I must guarantee my service user when in my attention, is protected from injury and maltreatment. If I suspect or observe that injury and maltreatment has or is taking topographic point, against a service user, I must describe the incident in an Incident Report Form within 36 hour of the episode to my line director. I besides complete a hazard appraisal signifier before any activity. Gaining Potential ensures that I must let my service users the opportunity to take to accomplish things great and little within their abilities. ensures that I must let my service users the opportunity to take to accomplish things great and little within their abilities. These nucleus values are represented within our administrations policies and processs. To guarantee client safety we have a Health we have a Health and Safe ty Policy which is designed to follow with the which is designed to follow with the Health and Safety at work Act 1974. Hazard Appraisals are used on a day-to-day footing before an activity to guarantee that the staff and clients are safe on the premises. We besides have Risk Appraisals are used on a day-to-day footing before an activity to guarantee that the staff and clients are safe on the premises. We besides have Accident and Incident Reporting processs which are required under the which are required under the Coverage of Injuries, Diseases, and Dangerous Happenings Regulation 1995 ( RIDDOR ) , Social Security Regulations 1979 ( SRR ) , Data Protection Act , to be reportedto be reported in an efficient mode. I must finish relevant signifiers and study to my line director. If an event requires describing straight to RIDDOR the records should be kept firmly for at least three old ages. Our Equalities policy complies with the in an efficient mode. I must finish relevant signifiers and study to my line director. If an event requires describing straight to RIDDOR the records should be kept firmly for at least three old ages. Our Equalities policy complies with the Sex Discrimination Act 1975 and 1986, the Race Relations Act of 1976 and the Race Relation Amendments Regulations of 2003, the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 . Our organisation opposes all signifiers of unjust and improper favoritism on the evidences of coloring material, race, faith, nationality, societal background, gender, sexual orientation, matrimonial position, age and disablement. It besides promotes the rule of equal chances in paid employment, voluntary work, and service proviso. Although it is of import to use positive values within my pattern, it is sometimes hard to make so. Giving person pick demands to be balanced by guaranting that this pick is safe and positive. Giving Adults with Learning Disabilities excessively many picks can do confusion and sometimes fear. So I give limited positive picks to guarantee that this does non go on. Safety issues can besides restrict picks, as under the Health a nd Safety at Work Act 1974 and and National Care Standards it is of import that I guarantee my client is safe from injury and maltreatment. If a hazard appraisal shows that an activity is non suited to the client because of safety issues so the pick of making that peculiar activity is reduced. Privacy and confidentiality is dealt with in our it is of import that I guarantee my client is safe from injury and maltreatment. If a hazard appraisal shows that an activity is non suited to the client because of safety issues so the pick of making that peculiar activity is reduced. Privacy and confidentiality is dealt with in our Confidentiality policy . Our organisation requires information about clients, voluntaries, staff other organisations and our ain organisation. I am hence committed to guaranting that all information is stored safely which besides allows appropriate retrieval. Confidential stuff must be kept in a locked cabinet. Volunteers are merely able to see files on a demand to cognize footing merely . Our organisation requires information about clients, voluntaries, staff other organisations and our ain organisation. I am hence committed to guaranting that all information is stored safely which besides allows appropriate retrieval. Confidential stuff must be kept in a locked cabinet. Volunteers are merely able to see files on a demand to cognize footing merely . Computer entree is limited to authorised staff and information backed up and compatible with The Data Protection Act 1998. If a client discloses something to me and inquire me non to state anyone so I must esteem his/her wants as a affair of trust. However, sometimes this can be hard, particularly if maltreatment is disclosed. Under these fortunes I am obliged to state him/her that I understand his/her demand for confidentiality, but the fortunes require me to rede my line director in authorship and that this will be in his/her best involvements and to seek non to worry. If a client discloses something to me and inquire me non to state anyone so I must esteem his/her wants as a affair of trust. However, sometimes this can be hard, particularly if maltreatment is disclosed. Under these fortunes I am obliged to state him/her that I understand his/her demand for confidentiality, but the fortunes require me to rede my line director in authorship and that this will be in his/her best involvements and to seek non to worry. As we do non provide a attention service, we are non required to register with the Care Commission, but we guarantee all our policies and processs meet their criterions. As all clients under these criterions are lawfully allowed an individualized attention program, we alternatively have an activity program. To guarantee no favoritism takes place the client is assessed utilizing ( Ref1 ) Pie . We take into history, our clients Physical demands, demands, Intellectual demands, demands, Emotional demands, and demands, and Social demands. Needs were foremost described as demands for our endurance in the theoretical account put frontward by ( demands. Needs were foremost described as demands for our endurance in the theoretical account put frontward by ( Ref 2 ) ) Abraham Maslow , a Humanist Psychologist. He stated that human demands can be arranged in a step ladder pyramid and that the lower degree demands must be satisfied before higher degrees can be met. Get downing from the basic psychological demand, so traveling to safety and security, societal, esteem, and self- realization. , a Humanist Psychologist. He stated that human demands can be arranged in a step ladder pyramid and that the lower degree demands must be satisfied before higher degrees can be met. Get downing from the basic psychological demand, so traveling to safety and security, societal, esteem, and self- realization. He suggested that non fulfilling these needs the individual could go defeated and emotionally hard-pressed, with perchance poorness and crisis taking topographic point. He besides suggested that these demands be met in order. Prejudice as ( Ref 3 ) defined in the Collins dictionary is defined in the Collins dictionary isan unreasonable disfavor of a peculiar group of people or things, or a penchant for a one group of people or things over another . Prejudice is caused by a deficiency of apprehension of something, doing the incorrect feeling to be created. Working with people with larning disablements has shown me that bias arises amongst some of the local community. This is a little subdivision of the community pre- judgment those with learning disablements through deficiency of cognition and so they hold unfavorable positions or sentiments towards people who are different and so blustery can take topographic point. Adults with learning disablements are a subdivision of society that tends non to be able to stand up for themselves. They rely on household, societal workers, protagonism workers, and support workers to rede them on their rights, picks, and duties. Unfortunately, through no mistake of their ain, some subdivisions of this community may non have this relevant information. . Prejudice is caused by a deficiency of apprehension of something, doing the incorrect feeling to be created. Working with people with larning disablements has shown me that bias arises amongst some of the local community. This is a little subdivision of the community pre- judgment those with learning disablements through deficiency of cognition and so they hold unfavorable positions or sentiments towards people who are different and so blustery can take topographic point. Adults with learning disablements are a subdivision of society that tends non to be able to stand up for themselves. They rely on household, societal workers, protagonism workers, and support workers to rede them on their rights, picks, and duties. Unfortunately, through no mistake of their ain, some subdivisions of this community may non have this relevant information. They do non have the attention, benefits, and advice that they need, or they do non have the statutory services they deserve. This can be caused by certain people denying our client group their rights and so know apart against them. Harassment, intimidation and hate offenses of those with learning disablements takes topographic point in many countries, the recent decease of a female parent and girl burned to decease in England after legion menaces and torment is an inordinate illustration and consequence of favoritism. Discrimination takes topographic point through fright, misinterpretation, misinformation, and so every bit good as Torahs against favoritism, we need to educate and supply preparation against it. To seek to guarantee that the incident that took topographic point does non go on in our community, our organisation is involved in supplying a preparation service to the community. I have taken portion in preparation to seek to educate young persons from the local secondary school about Learning Disabilities. This resulted in them going equal voluntaries to younger kids with Learning Disabilities from the local school for autistic kids. A music group was set up to convey these two groups of childs together, with positive consequences. ( Ref 4 ) Adults with Learning Disabilities are more likely to develop wellness jobs. Therefore, without support, they may non be able to do their feelings known and so screening and or intervention may be denied. The demand for support to let them to take as normal a life as their abilities allow and to entree services, has a fiscal cost to society. The belief that people with larning disablements, are a fiscal load to society, and non supplying relevant support is grounds of favoritism ) Adults with Learning Disabilities are more likely to develop wellness jobs. Therefore, without support, they may non be able to do their feelings known and so screening and or intervention may be denied. The demand for support to let them to take as normal a life as their abilities allow and to entree services, has a fiscal cost to society. The belief that people with larning disablements, are a fiscal load to society, and non supplying relevant support is grounds of favoritism . The impact of favoritism on my client group can ensue in exclusion and marginalisation. Psychologically that can ensue in depression, low self- regard, defeat, or anger. Causing their behaviour to be affected, by them going withdrawn or violent. The impact of favoritism on my client group can ensue in exclusion and marginalisation. Psychologically that can ensue in depression, low self- regard, defeat, or anger. Causing their behaviour to be affected, by them going withdrawn or violent. Through statute law, societal attention organisations now have to be more accountable and have increasing duties to compose and keep policy and processs. These have to follow with current statute law and exist to protect people`s rights and guarantee quality services are provided. Our policies and processs must hold specific guidelines, for illustration, they cover confidentiality and privateness, equal chances, wellness and safety, maltreatment policies, lone working patterns, activity planning and reappraisals and hazard appraisal and direction. I have a duty to read the organisations policy and processs exhaustively and incorporate them into my pattern. I should question any uncertainnesss and describe any violations. If I am uneasy about the pattern of others within the organisation or within any other bureau I come into contact with, I must describe to my line director and seek advice. My director has a duty to bring forth these policies and processs guaranting they incorporate current statute law. Management ensures that staff and service users have easy entree to them. Discussion and contemplation of policies and processs to guarantee they are justified and explained to staff is encouraged. Mentions. Elizabeth Bingham + . ( 2009 ) . Social Care: Group Award Graded Unit. In: HeinemannHNC in Social Care. Edinburgh: Heinemann. 147. Elizabeth Bingham + . ( 2009 ) . Psychological positions and Theories on development and demands. In: HeinemannHNC in Social Care. Edinburgh: Heinemann. 86-89. hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // releases-2005/14-july-2005/ ? locale=en
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